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Home Page > Products > Hospital Products > Radiology > Beta-ELK ED-3000

The Beta-ELK Laser Film Digitizer ED-3000 is a compact table-top digitizer designed to meet demanding specifications at an attractive price.

Beta-ELK ED-3000
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The revolutionary technology of Beta-Elk has made available laser technology at the price of all other technologies. Thus, now why enter the debate of whether the alternate technologies are as good as Laser. You can own the laser GOLD standard technology for the same price!

Laser technology is well established and accepted by scientists as the GOLD standard technology in medicine. There is laser surgery for the eye because of the precision, accuracy and reliability of laser technology. The only obstacle of laser technology is the fact that because it is the GOLD standard, it is very expensive.

Due to the expensive nature of laser technology, this opened the gates for other types of cheaper less accurate technology. Over the years the manufacturers of these alternate technologies have tried to convince the market that they are equal to “Laser”. And to give them credit, the entrepreneurial spirit has flourished and in 2000, they have produced good systems.

The Beta-Elk ED-3000 Laser Digitizer utilizes a laser diode source and a unique dual PMT light collection system. The ED-3000 gives excellent contrast resolution up to 3.6 (O.D.). It offers a choice of matrix sizes from 1024 to 4096 and a choice of 8, 10 or 12-bit pixel depth. The unit is capable of scan speeds of up to 155 lines per second and is ideal for high throughput applications. The unit comes standard with a 30 film-stack automatic film reader.

Click here (60k PDF) to see how the Beta-Elk ED-3000 stacks up against the competition. For assistance with Adobe Acrobat PDF documents, click here.

Now, you can have a PACS [Picture Archiving & Communication System] to handle simple Emergency reads to Final reads without the big cost. Click here to see a typical use of the Beta-Elk ED-3000.

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